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Sphider Pro Admin Statistics


Overall Statistics

The overall statistics is the main page under the statistics feature of the admin control panel. This gives you a general outlook of the amount of sites, links, keyword relations, images keywords, total sites size and the cached text size.

Top Keywords

This feature shows the most commen keywords and how often that key word appears from all the pages that have been indexed by Sphider Pro.

Largest Pages

This feature shows a list of the largest pages that Sphider Pro has indexed. This is displayed by a link to to url and the size of the url in kb.

Most popular searches

This feature shows the most popular search. These are displayed in a table displaying the search query, the amount of times searched (count), the average results and when it was lasted search for.

Search Log

This feature allows you to have a more in depth look at the search queries that are being preformed and by what IP address. This table displays the search query, the type of search; either image or web search, the amount of result returned by the search query. When the search query was made, the time taken to perform the search query and also the IP address of who performed the search query.

Sphidering Logs

If save logs is set in the admin control settings panel all log files will be saved. This feature allows you to access your saved log files. From here you can view or delete your saved indexing log files.

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Article details
Article ID: 25
Category: Feature List
Date added: 2013-09-18 09:37:10
Views: 5669
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.2/5.0 (83)

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