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Crons for repair and optimise database version 3.3


Crons for repair and optimise database

When indexing thousands of websites it is good practise to check the database status, repair and corrupt or broken database tables and finally optimise your database for peak performance.

Sphider Pro admin control allows you to do these manually from within the database tab for emergencies but Sphider Pro also has the option to set these as crons which are preformed on the server periodically.

We would recommend settings these crons to run on a monthly basis; these should be run of peak which would normally be early hours of the morning. The optimisation cron should be set a short time after the status and repair cron has started to run. This will allow time for any repairs to be made on your tables before optimising. As recommended time for large databases would be 1 hour apart.

The location to set both of these crons are as follows:

http://www.yourdomain.eu/crons/w-get/cron-fix.php (checks status and repairs database)

http://www.sgholding.info/crons/w-get/cron-op.php (optimises your database tables)

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Article details
Article ID: 12
Category: Sphider pro installation
Date added: 2013-09-04 11:26:23
Views: 1239
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.2/5.0 (76)

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