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Installing pdftotext.exe


Installing pdftotext.exe

Linux uses should use the web server version of pdftotext for a full stable converter. Installation only takes a few minutes provided you have full root access. If you do not have full root access ask your hosting provider to install xpdf for you and provide you the full path to the executable file.

To install xpdf you will need to login to your server via your ssh client.

Next move to the directory were xpdf will be installed, to do this use the following command.

cd /usr/local/src/

Next issue the following command to download xpdf

wget ftp://ftp.foolabs.com/pub/xpdf/xpdfbin-linux-3.04.tar.gz

issue the following command to extract the files.

tar -zxvf xpdfbin-linux-3.04.tar.gz

Issuing the command ls will now show you all the files and folders. As this example is for a 64 bit installation we need to go to bin64.

cd bin64

ls will show the files in this folder.

You can now see pdftotext is present. Based on this installation the relative path for the pdftotext converter is:


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Article ID: 13
Category: Sphider pro installation
Date added: 2013-09-04 14:46:45
Views: 3615
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.2/5.0 (84)

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